Advanced training programs at PIMT

The Faculty of Business and Management announces enrollment for the following continuing education programs:

“Mathematical Models and Methods of Banking Risk Management”

Start of training: 03/01/2023

Training format: full-time

Description: The advanced training program is designed for those who wish to study the mathematical models and methods used to assess banking risks in accordance with the advanced approach of the Basel Committee on Banking Regulation, be able to calculate the prices of major derivative financial instruments, have an idea of ​​the main arbitrage strategies in the derivatives markets financial instruments, as well as to master econometric methods of data analysis.

Tuition fee: 18000 CZK.

“Python for data analysis and machine learning”

Start of training: 03/15/2023

Training format: online webinars

Description: The program is designed for those who want to master machine learning technologies.

Tuition fee: 7500 CZK.

At the end of the program, students who successfully pass the certification will be issued a certificate of the established form.

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